Saturday, April 24, 2010

Illustrated Poem Project

For this assignment we were tasked with creating two images from a poem by Richard Brautigan. The guy was slightly ahead of his time, as we are practically in this machine governed world he dreams about. I love computers and I believe that they are a great tool for art. I also believe that we can become too dependent on things to the point we are actually enslaving ourselves unknowingly (films like "Metropolis" and "The Matrix" come to mind). Basically this was my theme with this first image.

I used primarily watercolors and India Inks, with this illustration. The idea is that we have willingly placed machines at the center of our lives-- making it a global religion. This next image is a little less foreboding. I made this using watercolors and Prismacolor markers on the lighter areas; gouache for the more earthy tones; and ink for the contours. The idea was that computers could become so abundant that they would humorously be classified as a species. Here's what might happen if one of God's creatures encountered one of our own "creatures".

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